Poop Kanji Workbook

Jul 2, 2017 09:22
Japanese people learn about 2000 kanji characters before graduating from junior high school.

Also, it is said that general Japanese adults can read about 3000 to 4000 kanji characters, but young people tend to be not good at kanji.

Meanwhile, "unko kanji doriru" (うんこ漢字ドリル), the literal meaning of which is "poop kanji workbook," became a bestseller throughout Japan.

In this kanji workbook, all example sentences of kanji characters include unko (うんこ - poop).

For example, for the kanji "今" (ima - now), "ここで今すぐうんこをすることもできるんですよ" (I can poop right here right now).

For the kanji "英" (ei - English), "英語さえわかれば、アメリカ人ともうんこの話ができるのに" (if I could speak English, I would talk about unko (poop) with Americans).

I don't know what will become popular.






No. 1 ThePhotonShadow's correction
  • Poop Kanji Workbook
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Japanese people learn about 2000 kanji characters before graduating from junior high school.
  • Japanese people learn about 2000 kanji characters before graduating from junior high school.
     We also sometimes call it "Middle School" in America.
  • Also, it is said that general Japanese adults can read about 3000 to 4000 kanji characters, but young people tend to be not good at kanji.
  • It is said that average Japanese adults can read about 3000 to 4000 kanji characters, but young people tend not to be good at kanji.
  • Meanwhile, "unko kanji doriru" (うんこ漢字ドリル), the literal meaning of which is "poop kanji workbook," became a bestseller throughout Japan.
  • "Unko Kanji Doriru" (うんこ漢字ドリル), the literal meaning of which is "poop kanji workbook," became a bestseller throughout Japan.
     "Meanwhile" doesn't really make sense here...
  • In this kanji workbook, all example sentences of kanji characters include unko (うんこ - poop).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, for the kanji "今" (ima - now), "ここで今すぐうんこをすることもできるんですよ" (I can poop right here right now).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For the kanji "英" (ei - English), "英語さえわかれば、アメリカ人ともうんこの話ができるのに" (if I could speak English, I would talk about unko (poop) with Americans).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I don't know what will become popular.
  • I don't know what will become popular.
     This is grammatically correct, but I think you meant something more like "It amazes me what can become popular."
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
Yes, it's a little weird.
No. 2 クライド's correction
  • In this kanji workbook, all example sentences of kanji characters include unko (うんこ - poop).
  • In this kanji workbook, all the example sentences of kanji characters include unko (うんこ - poop).
  • I don't know what will become popular.
  • I wonder what will be popular next ...
     This is also OK! :D
Great post, kanotown!! I ordered the book!! 発注しました! xD
Thank you so much always for correcting my post, クライド-san!
Wow, really? I was surprised, but indeed this book might be useful for foreigners who try to learn kanjis :)
がんばります! xD
No. 3 Mike's correction